June 29th The Confidences of the Sacred Heart by Rev. R.F. Clarke, S.J.
Our Lord for nearly seventeen hundred years
endured in silence all the ingratitude of men.
Some faithful hearts had been devoted to Him,
but from the generality He had received neglect,
coldness, indifference--sometimes outrage, insult,
sacrilege. He had witnessed the revolt of thousands
and tens of thousands from the Church's
yoke. Satan had usurped His place in their hearts,
and they had heaped every sort of indignity on
His servants, on His Church, on Himself in the
Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. They had denied
His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament; they had
cast off His yoke and persecuted His servants. At length our Lord found one heart to which He could confide the story of His disappointments. and tell the tale of His sufferings. The Blessed Margaret Mary was unknown, obscure, a poor, feeble woman. But she was so dear to His Heart that He determined to tell her of His griefs, and entrust to her the task of obtaining for Him some comfort and relief in His sorrows. How great a privilege was hers! Would that I had something of her love! Moved by the devoted love of this faithful servant, our Lord appeared to her, revealed to her the treasures of His Sacred Heart, and complained to her of the cruel treatment He had received from men. Has He not good reason to complain of the way I have treated Him, and am I not one of those who have caused Him so much grief and sorrow? |